A new Surfski School in Malta

It was the Dubai Shamaal 2011 and it was the post event party at the Dubai International Marina. It was here that I met Chris Camilleri, Malta’s pre-eminent sprint kayaker, who saw a video of surfski paddling and realised that he just HAD to do this sport. It looked like the perfect paddling craft for […]

Choosing the right surfski

Surfski Paddling

Surfski Choice – How do I know which Surfski I should choose? In life, nobody wakes up in the morning wanting to make a bad decision. Even more so when investing in a Surfski. Making any decision depends on how you answer two critical questions: What is the motivation behind the decision – “Why am […]

Attack the waves

#MockeMaxim:  Attack the Waves.  Zero Apprehension and Complete Commitment gets you through. Thinking back to my first national surf lifesaving competition (or Carnival as us Lifesavers call it) I literally get a cold shiver.  I was a Junior, 16 years old, and this was my first experience of the mighty Natal South Coast. My heart […]