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Learn to surfski

Taught by world champion paddlers at one of the best paddling locations in the world, Fish Hoek Beach, Cape Town


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[tab title=”Daily Sessions”]

Paddling when it suits you…

We offer paddling any day of the week except on Sundays or when our Group Sessions are on.

Whether you would like to try surfski paddling, need some one-on-one paddling coaching or you (and your paddling buddies) would like some extra paddling time – Daily Individual Sessions are the way to go.

Basics, technique, balance, how to catch a wave, go downwind, whatever it is you would like to learn we will help you in a more concentrated lesson.

[button text=”book a session” icon=”icon-angle-right” link=”https://surfskischool.co.za/product/individual-session/”]

[tab title=”Saturday Groups”]

Saturday mornings will never be the same …

(Summers only. Sep – Apr)

[accordion title=”We offer two group sessions on Saturday mornings (in Summer):”]

[accordion-item title=”Ocean ABC – First time ever”]

No kit. No clue.
The Ocean ABC of Paddling

The Ocean ABC of Paddling is for the people who are totally fresh to the sport and want to start paddling. OR, you have paddled once or twice, but haven’t quite mastered it yet and want some expert pointers.

This will be your introduction into the wonderful and adventurous sport of surfski paddling. You don’t need ANY equipment; we provide the surfskis and the paddles, all you have to bring is your get-wet-kit.

Cost: R250

Time: 10:30 – 11:45

The Ocean ABC Paddling course takes you from: “This is a surf ski…” to, “This is how to hold your paddle” to, “This is how to catch a wave”, and of course, lots of fun and practice.

[button text=”book ABC session” icon=”icon-angle-right” link=”https://surfskischool.co.za/product/the-ocean-abc/”]

How it works

Your goal is to learn the 5 essential paddling skills.  You begin with taking a stroke, then finding your balance and learning to remount.  Ultimately you want to learn how to “Catch a Wave!” and then how to be safe.  Your first session ever is called “The Intro Session” which is compulsory for all and where we show you what you need to know.  After completing the Ocean ABC paddling course you will have experienced everything you need to know to start surf ski paddling and will also have given it a solid go.

What’s next?

The fun has only just started.  If the bug has bitten, and you want to improve, you can get better and perfect your new-found skills at subsequent OCEAN PADDLER Practice sessions.  You don’t have to complete sessions consecutively, but we recommend you paddle again as soon as possible ?. Of course, we understand that weekends are not always possible, so you can also book INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS in the week to get more focussed paddling done.

[accordion-item title=”Ocean Paddler – 2nd Session and Beyond”]

Got the gear, what now?
Achieve Ocean Paddler Status.

The Ocean Paddler sessions are specifically there for you to master the skill of ocean surf ski paddling under our knowledgeable watch. After completing the Ocean ABC of Paddling course you now progress your skills to become an Ocean Paddler*.

Here, we step-up what was introduced in the Ocean ABC Paddling course and you practice until you get it!  We want you to experience the adventure and fun of surfski to it’s full potential!

We paddle a lot and focus on 5 specific skills with your ultimate goal of qualifying for the Ocean Paddler Certificate (and Basic Surfski Proficiency). When you have achieved that, then you know that you are capable of near shore (<1km offshore) surfski paddling and ready to paddle your first race!

Cost: R250/session

Time: 09:00 – 10:15

[button text=”book Ocean Paddler session” icon=”icon-angle-right” link=”https://surfskischool.co.za/product/the-ocean-paddler/”]

How it works

The goal of these sessions is to improve your paddling and have fun while doing it!  Gliding on the water or riding a swell on a surfski is one of the most exhilarating experiences ever!  It’s very addictive and we want you to master it.  These sessions focus on improving technique, making your remount bomb-proof AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, learning to ride a wave.  Once you can successfully catch a wave, you’ve qualified and have achieved the Ocean Paddler Certificate.  There is a short fun test called the Basic Surfski Proficiency which you can take any time you want and allows you to compete in most sanctioned near shore events.

(You can do these sessions on Saturdays or book INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS to get more paddling done…)

What next?

Once you have mastered the basics of surf ski paddling it’s time to start investing in some equipment and joining our weekly paddling training groups.  You work on improving your skills as paddler and learn to paddle DOWNWIND, which is one of the most addictive and exhilarating activities on this planet!

(Note: If you are joining Surfski School for the first time, the Ocean ABC Intro Course is compulsory no matter what your perceived level)



[tab title=”Downwind Sessions”]

Paddle the MILLERS RUN with a pro!
The world’s best, most famous downwind

Jump into a double ski with one of our pros and paddle the famous Millers Run.
Alternatively, paddle the Millers Run in single ski while accompanied by one of our pros.

The Millers Run is a downwind paddling route between Millers Point and Fish Hoek beach. There are 2 launch points at Millers Point – the False Bay Ski Boat Club (Southern, Cape Point side of the point) and the Public Slipway (Northern, Simonstown side of the point). There are 2 finish points – the Fish Hoek Surf Lifesaving Club and the FHBSC (Beach Sailing Club).

The distance is between 11 and 11.8kms long depending on start and finish. To obtain an official record or time you must start behind Bakoven Rock which is 500m offshore from the Ski Boat Club. Realistically if you use the Northern slipway (a much easier launch) then you won’t paddle from Bakoven Rock and will therefore have a different benchmark time – which isn’t a problem per se, but at some point you will have to do the more difficult launch at the Ski boat club and paddle around the rock.

[button text=”book downwind experience” icon=”icon-angle-right” link=”https://surfskischool.co.za/product/millers-run-downwind-in-a-double/”]

[tab title=”Online Courses”]



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[ux_image id=”687899″ link=”https://surfskischool.co.za/courses/masters-of-surfski/” target=”_blank”]


Everything you need to know from skis to paddles to the 5 essential skills.

[button text=”Buy now” expand=”true” link=”https://surfskischool.co.za/courses/masters-of-surfski/” target=”_blank”]

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[ux_image id=”687898″ link=”https://surfskischool.co.za/courses/downwind-pro/” target=”_blank”]


Learn the skills you need to become a better downwind paddler today.

[button text=”buy now” expand=”true” link=”https://surfskischool.co.za/courses/downwind-pro/” target=”_blank”]

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[ux_image id=”687897″ link=”https://surfskischool.co.za/courses/training-for-surfski/” target=”_blank”]


Become a better paddler by learning how to train for surfski. Programs included.

[button text=”buy now” expand=”true” link=”https://surfskischool.co.za/courses/training-for-surfski/” target=”_blank”]

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[ux_image id=”687662″ link=”https://surfskischool.co.za/online-courses/” target=”_blank”]


Don’t miss out on anything & get 2 or all of our Online Courses for a better price.

[button text=”buy now” expand=”true” link=”https://surfskischool.co.za/online-courses/” target=”_blank”]



[tab title=”book now”]

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[button text=”book saturday session” icon=”icon-angle-right” link=”https://surfskischool.co.za/product-category/summer-saturdays/”]

[tab title=”GIFT VOUCHER”]

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We’ve been inspiring passionate paddlers since 2002!




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[testimonial image_width=”120″ pos=”center” name=”Riaan Rautenbach”]

The Mocke family run a great school. You get to use equipment that is in great condition. Dawid and Nikki are amazing teachers and break down the fundamentals so that it is easy to understand and execute. Highly recommend it!


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[testimonial image_width=”120″ pos=”center” name=”Peter Holloway”]

An absolute must if you love the ocean or want to get into surfski paddling. They’ll teach you all aspects of surfski paddling, from safety to advanced technique and downwind skills.


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[testimonial image_width=”120″ pos=”center” name=”Michael van Niekerk”]

Great experience and can recommend them to any newbie or experienced paddler. The simple and practical tips really took my paddling to the next level




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mocke downwind camps

follow your downwind passion

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Tips, News & Stories

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Got questions?
Want to get started?

Drop us a mail, give us a call or just fill in the form and we’ll get back to you!

084 505 95 81


Surfski School operates from the
Fish Hoek Beach Sports Club

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See you on the beach!


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